Art of the One Night Stand Page 2
I hit the dance floor like a tornado and whipped everyone into a frenzy. Its fun being the one who gets everyone going and its happened a few times when my energy levels were very high (or, in this case, I was high on a pill). Getting other people riled up is a great way to really get in to party mode and girls love it. I was being approached on the dance floor by girls who wanted to have a good time.
A circle formed around me and I busted out moves that came from the depths of my soul. The music had total control of my movements. I pulled girls into the circle one by one and danced with them. It was a swirl of women for a while, people were clapping, everyone was smiling, and the beats got harder. I could see Tommy and Nick laughing at my antics and having a good time on their own.
There were so many things going on and the combination of music, rhythmic dancing, feeling my muscles move, being surrounded by revelers, and letting myself go was just the right amount of overwhelming.
Everyone seemed like they were part of some spirit that was holding things together. It was a spirit of group-think that made people act like sheep. They even looked the same, hipsters who were concerned with being cool and each one believing they were something unique but so easily controlled by outside factors. I didn’t want to join that spirit and was just about to leave and go look in the canal for some relief.
And then she appeared.
Tiny, just under five feet tall, blonde as straw, huge blue eyes, and a vibe so young I thought she was a teenager. Her face was stunningly beautiful and she was staring at me. My body was pulled over to her automatically and I twirled her around and got her moving. She was light as a feather.
And this girl could move. We were perfectly in sync and she was so responsive that I could do anything and she would keep up. I danced circles around her and she stayed with me the whole time. People were cheering us on loudly when I picked her up and swung her around and around.
At one point she started doing this crazy move where she arched her head and back as far as she could and rolled her eyes back. I didn’t know what the fuck she was trying to do, but it was wild and I was captivated. We stayed paired up for a good ten minutes and then I decided I needed to know who this girl was.
I could do anything at this point because the Molly had me feeling bulletproof.
The first thing I asked in her ear was “How old are you?” and she replied “I’m 21″ with an intriguing little accent.
I took her off the dance floor and told her how incredible she looked and how much fun it was dancing with her and asked where she was from and what she was doing here.
She told me she was from Norway and working as an actress in Greenwich Village. Her voice and accent combo was incredible. She really sounded like a pixie that had been slinking through the forest. It was such a soft voice but still easy to hear, like a whisper at regular volume.
And she was very excited. She said she hadn’t danced like that since she had left Norway and kept jabbering on about how much fun she was having. I didn’t care what she was saying, I just wanted her to keep talking because her voice was so interesting and when she spoke I could pick up on her positive energy.
I called Uncle Tommy over and his big smiling face greeted us. I told him to just listen to her talk and when she started jabbering again his eyes got wide and he started laughing. He told the girl how cute she was and pinched her cheek. She loved it and then he said he needed to pinch both cheeks, and pinched the both of them.
She was squealing in delight, I was laughing my ass off with Tommy, and we told her that she looked like she had crawled down from the tree branches to come dance with the regular people. She was unreal, a grown up Pixie who was too cute to be human.
I took her back to the dance floor and we danced some more. I saw the two Polish girls from earlier looking over with jealousy and used that extra energy to get sexy with the Pixie. We got close and rubbed our cheeks together. I had to bend down very far in order to accommodate her small stature and felt like a beast seducing young beauty.
We didn’t kiss right away, but I shotgunned smoke from my cigarette in to her mouth and our lips slowly brushed past each others. I picked her up and carried her off the dance floor and under the trees.
Tommy and Nick had texted me and said that I should have fun with the Norwegian while they went to another venue and I took her to a bar down the block.
We sipped on wine and spoke about living in the moment. The MDMA was leaving my system but my mind still felt as present as ever and I was in a great mood. Being high and talking about travel, ambitions, goals, accomplishments and creative endeavors was having me feeling great and slick as ice.
I told her that she should come to a really cool bar in my neighborhood and at first she was a bit hesitant, but then agreed when I asked her again five minutes later.
We took a cab and in the cab she said “How do I know you are not going to murder me?” I laughed and said that maybe I was, she had better be careful. I said this while moving over next to her, putting my arm around her and giving her a kiss.
I told her that if I wanted to hurt her, there is no way she would have agreed to get in the car with me. There is a certain energy people give off and you can tell when they are being genuine, have bad motives, or are untrustworthy. Girls are especially good at picking up on this energy and they will reject guys who project it. Even innocent guys who are just trying to get laid. When they use cheesy lines, act like clowns, or try and trick the girl in to thinking that they are not interested in having sex with her, their alignment is all wrong and girls find it very off putting.
I didn’t want to hurt her, in fact I wanted to do the opposite of hurt. I said this while getting close to her. I wanted to make her feel really good, bring her pleasure.
And then we kissed long and hard, I put her tiny body in my lap where she stayed for the duration of the ride.
I told her I had some wine at my place and we should just go there and have some. The driver dropped us off and we went up the stairs where that little voice kept on chiming along making me smile.
We laughed our way to my bedroom and I took her clothes off, picked her up and laid her down on my bed. I like being on top of small girls and completely enveloping them with my body. This little pixie was one of the best receivers of my cock ever. She was so beautiful and I wanted to get as deep inside of her as I could.
One bad side effect of MDMA is that it makes it extremely hard to orgasm. We were fucking for 45 minutes and I still wasn’t close to coming. The one thing that came to mind was having her suck me off. So I flipped her on her side and pushed my dick close to her mouth and she took it in. The action of that little pixie tongue wrapping itself around me pushed me to the edge and when I blasted she took my dick out and I laughed when I saw my cum hit the wall.
She giggled as I wiped it up. The dirty little Pixie girl was in such good spirits all the time and I wrestled her on the bed for a bit making her laugh even more.
It was still early in the night and we got dressed and I walked her to the curb to hail a cab. When it arrived, she said goodbye in that magical voice and I just chuckled and told her to have fun climbing back to the trees.
I was with two close friends of mine who are always looking for a good time. That put me in a great mood and started the day off right. Even when I flicked that burning match in my eyeball, we were able to laugh it off. Its a big help to be around guys who bring good energy and know how to be effective wingmen. I like going out solo most of the time, but going out with other guys can bring the experience to another level.
Different environments and unique situations can cause people to become extra open to new experiences. This daytime dance party in a green area in Brooklyn next to a canal was no exception. The entire environment was meant for pagan good times. Sex is always in the air at a place like this and it seems like it should be part of the experience. Find different places that have fun events going on, they usually attr
act people who are looking for a good time.
And speaking of environment–this place was perfect for a party drug like MDMA. Sometimes you just know when it would be a great time to partake. This was one of those times. I do not recommend doing powerful drugs when you are young, but once you get to know yourself, they can really add to experiences.
Being the center of attention on the dance floor was helping my game immensely. I wasn’t doing it for the attention, I don’t even like being the center of attention. I was doing it because I couldn’t help it. Every move that came out of me was real and girls were attracted to that. I was a separate entity from the group, doing my own thing and having a great time. The circle that formed around my gyrating body was taking in my energy, and in those moments I had more than enough to give. When your actions are completely aligned with your motives, people can tell and become attracted to you.
Just when I was about to separate from the group to recharge on my own, the girl appeared. This shift in my mindset gave my energy a different focus. There is a lesson to be learned here for fellow introverts–a lot of that anxiety you feel around other people, especially when you are the center of attention in a group, is not knowing where to focus your energy. The pixie gave me a focus and thats what kept me going.
I ignored the fact that she was an actress in the beginning. Don’t make a big deal if a girl is doing something really interesting, is some what famous, or seems ‘out of your league’. I did bring up what being an actress was like while we were having wine, but in the beginning its best to ignore, have some fun, and show her that your life is even more interesting.
Uncle Tommy coming over and pinching her cheeks was hilarious. It was something she had definitely never experienced before and had us all bent over in laughter. A good wingman is one who provides fun, makes you look good, and knows when to back off. They are incredibly hard to find but can come in the shape of a 300 lb Uncle.
It was great seeing the two Polish girls from earlier seething in jealousy. Start the night off talking to girls, don’t get too attached to any of them, and in the end, they can be working to help you.
I took her to another, quieter venue for wine. Its always good to bounce somewhere else, especially with a girl like this one, who isn’t really a ‘club chick’. She needed to feel more comfortable around me and a quiet wine bar was a good way to go. The contrast between the wine bar and the loud dance party was a large one and added even more to the experience. It was like we were traveling to different countries together. Try to switch to contrasting venues for the time/space travel effect.
The effects of the MDMA came in handy at the wine bar. I had this girl fully captivated by being so present and describing the beautiful things in life so vividly. Girls love to hear descriptions of beauty, life, and art. Work on your storytelling skills, you can do this by writing out unique experiences you have had in life, and then they will be easier to describe to others.
When she rejected my offer to come home the first time, I ignored it, asked again five minutes later, and was met with compliance. Being persistent is what is needed with many girls, especially pretty European ones.
Her test in the cab about me be being a murderer was laughed at, blown off, and then worked with. The best way to pass those tests is with some humor and making the girl feel a little silly so she won’t bother to test again.
After we started really fooling around in the cab, I knew it would be best to skip the next bar and go right to my place. Don’t be afraid to change plans when the situation calls for it. Be ready to adapt and make things work in your favor. And always have a nice bottle of wine back at your place.
This was an all out party and I let myself get wrapped up completely in the moment. It was such exciting fun and so real that the memory is firmly fixed in my mind. Its a skill, especially for introverts like myself, to be able to let go and feel everything around you. Live music has always been a big part of my life and can serve as good practice for losing your ego.
Even though I was in a relationship at the time, my girlfriend was on the other side of the world and knew what kind of situations I get myself in to. When she returned, I was much happier to be with her again knowing that I could go out on a weekend and get laid easily. In this case, having sex with another girl made our relationship stronger.
First Hours in Lima
The desire to journey to the middle of the Amazon Jungle and undergo an ayahuasca ceremony was an irresistible pull that came from within.
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive liquid that is made from brewing the ayahuasca vine with chacruna leaves. The ayahuasca allows your body to absorb the DMT contained in the chacruna and activates parts of your brain that usually lay dormant.
You then embark on one of the most intense experiences of your life.
The Shaman told me that people find ayahuasca when they are ready, it draws them, and if you find yourself seeking a proper ceremony, you are answering an invisible calling.
The most legitimate ceremonies and real ayahuasca is found just outside of the city of Iquitos, the only civilization in the center of the Amazon Rainforest.
In order to get to Iquitos you have to either take a small plane from Lima, or take a boat up the Amazon, and the boat takes days. There are no roads to Iquitos, it is the most isolated city in the world and one of the strangest places I have every been.
* * *
It was February when I decided to go. I had been in a long term relationship for over a year and knew that it wasn’t going to last much longer. It was time to grow, I felt my ambitions bursting from inside, and my girlfriend was taking too much time and energy to allow enough personal freedom to change.
My flight to Lima was on a Saturday and I landed around 10pm. A driver took me to a cheap hotel I had booked in the Barranco district and dropped me off. I had the first night to explore on my own, the next morning a friend of mine from Lima was coming to meet up and show me around.
I showered quickly, changed, and was in the streets at 1130. I stayed off the heavily trafficked main routes and took some pleasant, vegetated side streets that winded through the neighborhood. There was an interesting looking place with a huge staircase that led to the entrance. A big glowing sign that had the very fitting name Ayahuasca drew me inside.
It was a fantastic spot with a great layout. The place used to be a big mansion and was converted to a gigantic bar/club. There were dozens of different rooms, a huge outdoor area, and an underground part of the bar in the backyard that was dimly lit and had musicians playing sexy jazz music. The amount of space the place took up was immense and each section felt like a new environment. It was perfect for my kind of operating.
I wandered around drinking, smoking and taking it all in. After a couple of cigarettes, I went back out to the front and stood at the top of the staircase. There was a woman standing there looking around, looking at her phone, and looking around again. She looked like she was in her late 20s, had a tiny frame sexy white dress, high heels, nice curves, and she was definitely Peruvian.
She saw me looking at her and I said “Hi, are you waiting for someone?” and she said that she spoke no English. I replied “Bueno , puede enseñarme Españoles (Good, you can teach me Spanish)” and she laughed.
We tried to talk in broken Spanish/English, I learned that she was in fact waiting for her boyfriend who didn’t seem like he was showing up. I told her it was ok, I could be her boyfriend for the night and she laughed more.
After a few minutes I told her that I was going to explore the bar some more but she should come find me in a little while. She agreed and I went back inside.
I said hola to a pair of cute girls at the bar and asked to try their drinks. The official drink of Peru is the Pisco Sour and they were having a couple. I tried them, they was way too much sugar for my taste, and ordered straight rum instead. The girls hardly spoke English and I told them they had to learn more English if t
hey wanted to party with an American.
After a minute I went to the backyard for a smoke. There was a group of five girls all dressed up, looking sexy, and chatting. Guys were surrounding them like hungry wolves, but not one of them was making an approach. The guys were all leering, making it obvious they wanted the girls but were too timid to do anything about it and I chuckled as I watched the scene stagnate.
The girls all knew they were being watched and became louder and louder with one another, they were yapping up a storm, laughing way too loud at silly things, and clamoring for attention. And the louder the girls got, the more sheepish the surrounding guys became. It was a perfect opportunity for any one of those dudes to run game, and every single one was getting more nervous by the second–I was beginning to boil inside.
Because of my relationship, I had been out of the game for a while but the stirring was still in my blood and I wanted to have some fun. When my smoke was done, I walked straight up to the group of girls, who stopped talking when they saw me come close, stepped up to the best looking one, and said “Habla Ingles?” She laughed and said yes, I told her it was my first night in Lima and asked what there was to do. We had a great conversation about the local spots and they all went wild when they heard I was from New York.
I asked what I should see and do while I was in Lima and one of the girls started raving about the ceviche (a traditional Peruvian dish made with raw fish, spicy lime juice, and chilies–and it is incredible).
The girls were having drinks before heading out to a club to go dancing. I told them I would join up with them at the club and took the best looking ones number. Then I had the girl who told me about the ceviche put her number in my phone and promise to take me out for Lima’s best lunch.