Art of the One Night Stand
Art of the One Night Stand
Art of the One Night Stand Copyright © 2015
1. My First Experience With Lightning Fast Sex
2. MDMA and a Pixie
3. First Hours in Lima
4. Started in the Airplane, Ended in the Jungle
5. A Fight Breaks Out at a Sex Show
6. Melancholy Italian at the Show
7. Being a Writer Gets Me Laid
8. A Houseparty, Some Drugs, and a Blowjob
9. Laid With Speed in Los Angeles
10. A Mother, Two Daughters, and Razor Sharp Game
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I used to think that One Night Stands were experiences that were hard to come by, something that happened when you just ‘got lucky’, and there was not much you could actively do to make them happen.
Back then, there were a few times I did ‘get lucky’ with girls and was able to sleep with them the same night, but it wasn’t until I started studying and applying game that I realized there were many, many factors involved if you wanted to have fast sex on the same night you met the girl.
So many factors in fact, that it is absolutely laughable whenever I see an article entitled How to Have a One Night Stand or 7 Things you can do to Have Fast Sex.
They might have some generic advice that worked for the author one time, but the truth is that there are thousands of things you can do, say, and think that will either make a girl attracted to you quickly or not.
This is the beauty of fast sex. It is absolutely unpredictable, different with each girl you interact with, and always a challenge.
Some of the best sex I have had has come from meeting girls and seducing them within minutes. Its nothing like the intense, emotionally satisfying, love making that comes when you are in a relationship. But sex that happens quickly is always animalistic, high energy, incredibly physical, and can leave you breathless.
Men should know what that kind of feeling is like. The ‘high’ that comes from it is better than any drug I have done and the amount of excitement it brings is akin to participating in the extreme sports.
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I did not intend this book to be a ‘how to’ guide. Instead, I will share short stories of 10 memorable One Night Stands and include all of the important details. While writing them, I tried to capture the spirit of each individual experience and make each one stand out on its own.
After each story, I will break down the key elements that led to sex.
I hope the reader will find the excitement contained within the interactions and be inspired to find his own style. If he picks up some of my own techniques, lines, or behaviors, that is fine.
Any inspiration that is pulled from the following experiences means that I have accomplished what I set out to do.
Enjoy the book, figure out what works for you, and go out there and live the fuck out of life.
My First Experience With Lightning Fast Sex
This happened at the end of the first year I had been really applying game in my life.
I was actively reading books about meeting girls, visiting blogs, memorizing routines, adopting new body language, taking note of invisible signs of attraction, and learning about the psychology of seducing women. I was also training myself to become more attractive–lifting weights, experimenting with new styles, and practicing my storytelling abilities. It was a lot of work, but an extremely rewarding type of learning that could be applied in real life and had immediate results.
Learning game was more intense, more beneficial, and more rewarding than my education at an Ivy League college. Most of the things I picked up at University did not produce tangible results. By studying game, I was having copious amounts of sex that stemmed from improving myself in a variety of different ways and becoming a more attractive person–education doesn’t get much more real than that.
During this beginning phase most of my sex had come from going out, farming numbers, setting up dates, and hooking up on the first or second date. I thought this was pretty good (I had sex with 75 girls that year) and I also thought that was the only way to do it.
There were a few One Night Stands every now and then, but they were with girls I had to cajole for hours before they agreed to come back with me. Girls that I would talk to and run game on for most of the night, and then invite to my place with a promise of some food or wine or some sort of entertainment.
That’s the way I believed One Night Stands worked. I thought you had to ‘trick’ the girl in to coming back home with you, hide the fact that you wanted to fuck, and hope she would be willing to be seduced once you were back home.
What happened on this particular night changed my entire perspective, opened up a world of possibility, and switched up my game completely.
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It was the end of December in New York City. Many people, including myself, had time off from work for Christmas and were using the holiday break to spend boozy nights out with fellow orphans.
My roommate at the time was a pretty Polish girl who was always amused by my antics with women–you can watch her discuss what it was like to live with my sex-soaked self here:
She was working at a new bar in a very hip part of town, and the bar specialized in absinthe cocktails. Since she was bartending, I had unlimited access to lots and lots of delicious absinthe.
Absinthe stands out from other types of liquor because it is distilled from flowers and herbs rather than the usual grains and wheat. The taste is very flowery with a strong anise flavor permeating through.
Its a drink that has become infamous for its supposed hallucinogenic effects. I can’t speak on that–you can start hallucinating with any type of booze as long as you have had enough, but I can say with certainty that getting drunk off of absinthe is different than any regular type of drunk.
My brain was on another plane that night and when my roommate got off of her shift, we tore around town terrorizing anyone in our path.
The great thing about having a beautiful girl around when you go out is that people notice you a lot more. I was dressed well that night, but having her next to me and laughing at my antics was causing girls in the street to stare. I would twirl my roommate around, get her laughing like crazy, point at girls coming towards us and say “Now there is a good one, thumbs up” and pretend to ask people directions to the closest morgue.
The reactions from girls on the sidewalk were priceless and my roommate said “You could fuck any of these girls if you wanted to tonight.” When she said that, it hit a nerve in my body because I had never thought about just acting completely ridiculous and swooping a girl off her feet within the first moments of meeting her. None of the game material I was reading had mentioned that women could be approached and seduced instantly on the street–but now the thought was in my mind.
We bounced around to a couple of places, I told her I really wanted to get laid that night, and when we saw that most of the usual spots were empty, we took a cab to a bar that was very close to our apartment.
The cab dropped us off and when we went inside, I saw that the pickings were very slim. Two unattractive girls, and a bunch of dudes.
I told my roommate I was going out to have a cigarette and she came with me for a minute until I said something to offend her and she went back inside. This is how many of our nights ended together. We would go around having a grand old time, I would get drunk and just start saying shit to deliberately rile her up. And then I would cross the line, she would get mad, and we would part ways.
> I shrugged as she went inside and I noticed a blonde girl walking past on the sidewalk. She was looking over at me and as soon we made eye contact, I yelled “Hey, come here!”
She came over smiling and said “What?”
As she got closer, I stepped up to her and said “I want to know why I’m so attracted to you” while staring right in to her eyes.
She smiled even bigger and stepped closer to me. I took her by the fringes of her coat, pulled her in to my chest, and started making out with her hard. I was wearing a huge fur-lined shearling coat and she sunk in to it and I could feel her swoon and sway against my body.
I took her by the hand and led her the two blocks to my apartment. On the way there, she asked “Where are we going?” and I replied “Don’t worry, you’re going to love it” with a devil grin. As soon as she giggled at my response, I felt the wave of excitement wash over me because I knew what I always thought impossible was about to go down.
I squeezed her hand even harder, and walked even faster down the sidewalk that was shining with shards of broken glass. We got to my apartment building and I said “Well, it doesn’t look like my doorman is working tonight!” and she laughed as we stumbled up the stairs.
Up in my room we undressed right away and started fucking like porn stars. There was no resistance, no hesitation, and no talking. For a few moments it was almost unbelievable to me. I could not fathom that I had just met this girl minutes before as a complete stranger and was now having sex with her.
It was seriously dirty sex. No condom, a sloppy blowjob right away, and after spearing her in missionary, I flipped her on her side and put two of my fingers in her ass while I fucked her from behind. Then I got on top of her, titty fucked her big, beautiful, strange boobs for a few minutes and then face fucked her. As she was coming up for air, my balls were licked, my taint was sucked, and I beat her face with my cock. Then I made her choke with the full length of my dick in her throat and she took my load all over her face…after she wiped up we did it all over again.
In the morning, we fucked one last time like we had to, and when she was getting dressed, she wrote down her number and restaurant where she worked. She told me to stop by for drinks sometime, and then she said “How did that happen last night?” and I replied “I don’t know but it was something special” and she agreed.
I never did see her again, but my entire attitude towards what it took to get a girl in to bed shifted. From then on, I started becoming much more direct, unapologetic, and aggressive when seducing women and this mindset led to many more successes.
Absinthe had me thinking differently. I’m not going to condone the use of drugs, but for some people (including myself), they get you thinking on another level, and can be experimented with every now and then. If you you are that sort of person, indulge. Use drugs to your advantage and access parts of your mind that weren’t there before.
Going out with a beautiful girl by your side will garner attention from everyone. Whenever I am out with genuinely good looking girls, the attention pours in. Most of the time, the girl is a lover of mine and I don’t capitalize on the situation, but in this case, my roommate was encouraging me to get laid and she was being the best wing possible just by her presence.
The girl on the street definitely saw me with my roommate before she went inside and I know that was a major reason why she was so attracted right away. I took advantage of this.
Acting immediately, with no hesitation whatsoever, was something I had not done prior but it worked so well. The girl lit up when I waved her over right away. She wanted someone to tell her what to do, and I did just that.
There was no bullshit, no games, no beating around the bush. I told her I wanted to know why I was so attracted to her, acknowledged the reality of the situation, and went with it. She reciprocated in the best way possible.
The line “I want to know why I’m so attracted to you” has been used with success many, many times since then. There is a magic to attraction that will never be figured out by science, so the mystery will always be there and acknowledging it is something most people never even think about.
After we were making out, I took her by the hand and led her directly to my place. There wasn’t any hesitation and she followed along readily. A man is supposed to lead the mating dance and take charge in his interactions. Do this with confidence and you will be surprised at how agreeable women are to follow.
It was the first time I had completely gone with my animal instinct and I went with it fully. Even in bed, I went with the most primal instincts possible and did what I wanted with her body. The rawness and abandon in which we fucked was something I would have never anticipated. Thats the power of attraction. You can really be led by your instincts and let yourself go when the time is right. Its a sort of freedom that comes with experience, so live a life of experiences that allow this freedom to happen.
The mating rituals that most people abide to are usually unnecessary and an act on the part of both participants. This sort of story is VERY possible and it took me a long time to make it happen. I had been on hundreds of dates prior to this and was being brainwashed in to thinking that there were certain steps that had to be taken. This experience broke all the ‘rules’ that had been wrongly learned.
A lot of the things you may read make meeting and seducing girls seem like a complicated, convoluted, tricky process where you have to follow certain rules or guidelines in order to make girls want to sleep with you. This is not the case, girls like sex just as much, if not more so, than men. They want to be taken, want you to succeed, and want to be led to bed by a man who knows what he wants.
Girls are more emotional and picky when it comes to sex, but if you can show yourself to be comfortable in your own skin, are unafraid to let her know what you are really feeling, and actively go after what you want, the results may surprise you.
MDMA and a Pixie
Its not too often that I use drugs. Drinking happens quite a bit, its a big part of the night life, but other drugs are seldom used.
But when the time is right, and the right kind of chemical is paired up with the right kind of environment, the experiences you have can be enhanced greatly.
This next story takes place before my game became fully internalized and I was still in a long term relationship. My girlfriend had to return to Europe because of Visa issues and I was a wild, free man for a few weeks.
I was with my infamous Uncle Tommy and my incredibly handsome friend Nick. Tommy is quite the character: a very large Italian, lover of life, hard drinker, incredible communicator, and always looking for a good time. Nick is a tall good-looking natural who every girl melts in front of.
They are a great combo.
* * *
It was Sunday in the summer, we had decided to go to a dance party that was held outside in the afternoon. The weather was perfect, the DJs were amazing, and the crowd was fun.
Me and Nick were chatting with two cute Polish girls, Uncle Tommy kept bringing beer after beer to us and things were starting to pick up on the dance floor.
As I was chatting with the Polish chicks, one of them gave me a book of matches to light my cigarette. I lit the match and the burning head popped off and landed right in my eye. Holy fuck. I hadn’t felt that much pain in a long time and had to sit down for 20 minutes with a rag of cool water pressed against my face.
I cursed and sat there crippled while the Polish girls gave me nasty looks and then wandered off in to the crowds. Nick was laughing at me as he brought another cup of water and I sat cursing on the ground until the pain subsided.
I healed up and the three of us got together, watched the dancing people, and really took in the environment. We were next to a canal in Brooklyn, there were trees everywhere, birds were flying through the air, the dance floor was wood panels on top of bare dirt–it was like being in a small forest. The dancing took place right in the m
iddle of the trees, and the DJs were doing something special with their sounds. It was late afternoon and the golden sunlight made everything look extra surreal. We all simultaneously looked at each other and said “Lets get some Molly.”
We all split up in search for some drugs. I asked a shady looking guy in sunglasses who told me to stay put while he went to get some, but I didn’t stay put because the guy looked highly untrustworthy. Tommy and Nick didn’t have any luck on the first go around and when we got back together to regroup we laughed because it seemed that everyone there was rolling on something except us.
Then I spotted a guy from my neighborhood who is well known for being really fucked up all the time. The type of dude who is commonly found sleeping on the bar and passed out in the bathroom. I knew he usually held drugs and I leaped for joy when I saw him and greeted him like he was my best friend. He told me that he had some really good stuff for 20$ a pop and I bought three.
The pills were unlike any other I had ever seen. Clear plastic cases with beads of MDMA inside. I asked him how they were and a huge smile grew across his bearded face and his pupils dilated to full size. That’s all I needed to know.
We took the pills and in about 15 minutes were feeling it. I roamed the place and felt like I was the main star of a movie. I had to make something happen–everything was so full of energy and it was begging to be released in to the open. The music was seriously good and my whole body felt the vibrations coming from the speakers.
The vibes were filling up my whole spirit and I could feel the tingles go up my spine and in to my head. The movement became impossible to suppress and the rhythm was solidly a part of me. The music ‘clicked’ at this moment and I let myself go.