Art of the One Night Stand Read online

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  After, she kept thanking me for fucking her so hard and I just laughed and told her “Your welcome.” She was an accountant who worked in midtown and before she stumbled out of my apartment she left her card on my desk. I told her we would be in touch and watched her wiggle in to her tiny, glittery dress.


  It never hurts to hit up one or two more places at the end of a long, unsuccessful night. Some of them can get you back on track if your energy is low. This was the perfect spot to recharge my batteries.

  Girls who go to a sex show obviously have sex on the mind. They are there and looking for dick and are most likely very horny. Other places that stir up the sexual side are burlesque shows, fire breathing performances, and aerial gymnastics. I would suggest looking for some of those in your area and checking out what kind of crowds they bring.

  The sex show was interesting and a good way to gain some life experience. Sometimes I bring up my sex-show stories with new girls I meet and they instantly get turned on. “So, I went to a sex show the other night…” is a great way to get your conversation sexual and turn the girl on. I highly recommend going to one. *Although, the one where the guy was sticking needles through his dick would be one to avoid. That is a scene I could have went through life not knowing about. You have been warned.

  Breaking up that fight got my energy levels soaring. There is nothing like being involved when men are trying to hurt eachother physically. My blood was rushing, I was alert as ever, aware as ever, and had something great to talk about.

  Helping out the owners/bouncer to keep the bar peaceful was a good move on my part and I return to the bar now and get comped drinks often. We talk about what happened and how to notice when guys look like they might be trouble starters.

  The girls were incredibly easy to open up with the fight story, they were also revved up from what happened, and I kept them on edge. Focusing on the one who required the most attention was the best move at that point and paid off. Sometimes you have to play the girls game too and modify your tactics.

  Dancing with her and visualizing the bubble around us really revved up the sexual energy fast between us. We didn’t even dance for long, maybe 6 or 7 minutes before I saw the look of desire develop in her eyes. From there it was an easy extraction.

  Being cool with the group of friends from the get-go, made taking the girl with me quick and easy. There was no resistance from her friends, they encouraged her to leave with me, and we went.


  Fighting is in my nature and provides a burst of energy that can’t be reproduced anywhere else. That, combined with a sex-show and a very horny girl led to one of the most zesty sessions of sex I have ever had.

  The fact that she was screaming “Oh this is just what I needed!” while we were fucking was a strong reminder that a lot of girls go out and actively look to get laid. The right guy just has to show up and play it right.

  Although I would never get back in touch with a girl I met like that, the memories of her smooth body and cries of pleasure are enough to make this experience one of the better One Night Stands of my life.


  Melancholy Italian at the Show

  While I was in Mexico during the life-changing summer of 2014, I spent some time down on the coastal surf-town of Puerto Escondido.

  The waves were perfect in Puerto, they are what draw most people there, but the atmosphere in the town is one I actively try to avoid when traveling.

  A lot of surfers tend to be very competitive, possessive, and self absorbed. Their aggressive control over surf territory tends to spill over into their personalities while on land. This was very much in effect in Puerto and it wasn’t easy to find chill guys to hang out with.

  The gap between the tourists who spend their time surfing, drinking, and partying and the locals who spend their time trying to sell things to those tourists is large. In towns like this, the greed can be felt as you walk down the street. People actively try to get your money and it shows in their dead eyes. Many don’t see you as a person, but they look at you like a walking dollar sign.

  I wasn’t getting laid in Puerto because there were hardly any girls around, but I was very much enjoying the ocean, the drugs, and the handmade crafts.

  Many of the locals sell goods/art on the street and some of it is quite nice. I picked up a raw looking necklace that is the combination of two shells that come together in the shape of a big claw and a leather bracelet.

  Some kids were on the side of the street and were painting clay skulls, called Calaveras. A Calavera is used in celebrating the Day of the Dead and other religious ceremonies and can be made of sugar or clay. They were fascinating to look at and stirred up strange emotions in me as I looked in to their hollow eyes. (The cover of this book is the image of a Calavera).

  Its very rare when an object speaks to me like that, but when one does, I know its something I should own. I bought the Calavera that spoke the loudest and brought him back home with me to New York.

  As the Day of the Dead neared in mid-October, the Calavera began to speak to me again and I began taking it out with me, having girls pose with it, take their photos, and then attempt to seduce them. It was working like the charm that it was and I was having a lot of fun doing it. Girls would usually end up kissing the Calavera right on the lips, lick it, and get sexual.

  This was always a good sign and I would have the girls pose a lot and have some fun. Everyone loved the Calavera and he quickly became my most effective wingman.

  * * *

  One night, I had gone out to a venue where my friend soup was playing with his band. Calavera was with me and being put to good use.

  I used him to pose two British girls together, had them kiss him at the same time, the girls got in to it and were laughing really hard. One even took off my hat, put it on the Calavera and then they both kissed him. Pictures of this fun scene can be seen on my blog.

  When that happens, it is quite obvious that the girls have sex on the brain and are fully flaunting their desires. This has happened enough and has been so telling that I’m sure that I subconsciously am the Calavera and the girls are letting me know that they are open for some action.

  I was having a good time with the Brits but thought I could do better. Pushing for a threesome would have been on the menu but one of the girls was not attractive, the thought of her naked was a turn off and I didn’t feel like getting drunk enough to deal with her.

  So off I was to the other end of the place. A girl had come in while I was entertaining the Brits and I noticed her look at me while I was on my way over. She had been observing me with the other girls and I knew this had piqued her interest.

  I was off to a good start.

  I saddled up next to her and said hello. She was not in a very good mood but a small smile crept over her despondent face. I asked her what was wrong and she explained that she was from Italy and her Visa was expiring, it was her last week in New York and she did not want to leave.

  I told her that my blood was half Italian and I could cheer her up. First though, she had to be a part of my photography project and pose with my friend the Calavera. She looked at him full of sadness and instead of the usually joy he brings to people, she was reminded of death.

  That is the real reason for the Calavera. He is a staunch reminder that our days here are very limited. Its something the culture in America does not reflect on very often. A Disney World mentality where everyone lives happily ever after forever and ever distorts the truth. Confronting death every so often will keep you grounded and thinking clearly. This will make you stand out among the oblivious and draw people in to you.

  I explained this to the Italian and she agreed completely.

  She asked to borrow my pad and pen and she wrote down a poem in Italian about death.

  The look on her face was something deeply emotional and almost tragic.

  I decided it was time for a change of pace and invited her to the bar next door whe
re I knew the bartender.

  We went inside and were greeted with smiles as we entered. The bartender said it was great to see me again and he poured shots that were on the house. We knocked them back and had some laughs with him.

  After, we returned to the venue and soup had finished up his set. He came over and I introduced him to the Italian and she told him that she really enjoyed the music and I explained that he was a regular around the New York City music scene and played interesting venues often.

  soup gave me the player’s eye and left us to be alone. I chatted with the girl about my time in Italy, described the unique beauty of the Cinque Terra, and told her she needed to invite me to her hometown in the Central Mountains. She laughed, said yes, and had a look in her eyes that asked to draw me in to her.

  When I saw that look, I knew it was time to extract. I invited her back to my place to see a painting that I had from Mexico and she agreed right away.

  As we left me and soup exchanged the player’s nod.

  I flagged a cab, we got in and headed back to my place.

  I put my arm around her in the cab and when she looked over at me I kissed her lightly. Then I pulled back, said “That was ok” and smirked. Then she came forward to kiss me deep and passionately. I told her how much of a great match we were because of the shared Italian DNA and we sniffed each other deeply.

  As we entered my place I playfully pushed her up the stairs and in to my apartment.

  She looked at the painting and I kissed her neck and pulled her shirt over her head.

  She turned around at that point and we removed each others clothes while kissing passionately. I left her bra on until she was laying on the bed. This girl had full Italian breasts and I waited until the last seconds of passion before revealing them and enjoying their beauty. I entered her as I put them in my mouth and she moaned loudly.

  We clung together during sex and she tried to get as close to me as possible. Our skin was glued together and when I flipped her over doggy style my hands gripped her hips tightly as she slid backwards and forwards. We left bruises on each others skin from gripping so tightly.

  After we lay in bed and discussed how much attraction there was between us. I kept bringing up our Italian roots and truly did believe that our chemistry was palpable from the beginning.

  She basked in the thoughts for a while and nuzzled against my chest as we came down from the high.

  After that, she got up, got dressed, and was out the door.

  I’ll look her up if I’m ever in Central Italy.


  The Calavera is a fantastic object to use in part because of its originality, its face that begs to be kissed, and most importantly–the story behind it. I can tell the girls that I got it while traveling in Mexico, surfing huge waves in Puerto Escondido, and explain the spirit it carries. Talking about death in a mature way can really serve as a reminder to feel alive. And what better way to feel alive then to fuck like there is no tomorrow? Having objects/jewlery around that tell stories allows for extremely captivating and seductive conversation. Take note and be mindful of the products you acquire.

  Before I approached the Italian, she had observed me entertain the two British girls. It helped that they were extra loud, excited, and making a scene. It made me look like the life of the party and girls will always, always, always want to be with guys who other women desire. They are wired that way, just like we are wired to want to have sex with the most beautiful ones–they want to be with men who are the most desired by other females. Its not a bad thing to be social at a bar or club, but it is possible to overdo it. Just make sure you are bringing smiles to peoples faces and it will usually go over well.

  Our conversation began with hints of spirituality and this always touches emotions. Thoughts of death, her despondence and apprehension to returning home from a place she did not want to leave, and her highly emotional state made her very receptive to the topics we discussed. I could see the want in her eyes and she was begging for an escape from her sorrowful state. Why do you think she was at the bar alone? Allowing girls to go on emotional rides and then comforting them is a great way to form a bond and have the girl believe that you really understand where she is coming from. Don’t be afraid of women’s emotions.

  Switching venues for a few minutes was key to making our connection strong. Especially so because the bartender treated me like a king with free shots, praise, and hearty laughs. Whenever you take a girl to another venue, it makes her think that she has know you for much longer than in actuality. The switching of environments and having her follow you somewhere also makes her trust you and feel comfortable. I had met her for about 45 minutes before she agreed to come home with me. The bartender played along perfectly and knew what was going on. Try and find bartenders who are cool and can help your game. A lot of them can be jealous pricks and try to cockblock you, but good ones can be found. My favorites are the really hot girl bartenders who you don’t try to hit on but let them know what you are all about, flaming gay guys (believe it or not) make fantastic wings if you can have them trust you, and so do old dudes whom you share a mutual respect with.

  Having soup come up and chat for a bit made me look really good. We are good friends and he is extremely talented at what he does. When you have the leader of a cool band come up and make friendly conversation, the girl gets all squirmy.

  The look she gave me before I invited her back to my place was a giant green light. My thousands of hours of experience with women has made detecting that look quite easy, but just a few years ago I probably would have missed it. Learn the ‘take me’ look. Its a combination of big wet eyes looking up at you like a hungry puppy, her head nodding down in submission and a every so slightly smirking lips. Time to pounce.

  Cabs are the way to go. They are 10 times better than taking public transportation. I have missed out on a lot of sex by choosing to go underground into the ugly, smelly subway system. Stay above ground and find a driver to take you back. This is no time to be cheap.

  Escalate in the cab. Let her know what your intentions are. During this interaction it was best to kiss her first, kiss her lightly, and then let her come to me.

  With European girls there is usually never any last minute resistance. They are more mature when it comes to sex and it is usually smooth sailing when they agree to come back with you. You are both adults and know what you are going to do.


  This girl was great, not only because she was Italian, but because she wanted an escape from her sad situation. It was fun, fast and interesting, just the way I like it.

  The sex was great, full of energy and passion. We exchanged so much DNA through our mouths, skin and genitals that a part of her will be with me until the day I die. Plus, this happened on a weeknight, which is always a pleasant surprise, and now I have a potential place to stay in the Italian mountains.

  All in all, a great time and fantastic experience.


  Being a Writer Gets Me Laid

  There is no question–girls love artists, especially writers.

  They are intrigued when they see me writing with my pen and pad and more than a few approach me when I write at bars.

  As I wrote Go Forth a particularly sensual brunette approached me while I was scratching away and asked what I was doing. I told her “Writing a book about sex, adventure, and traveling through Mexico” and she lit up.

  She said “Oh, sex…I bet you do a lot of research” and I just looked over at her and smirked.

  Five minutes later we were all over each other. We didn’t have sex that night, she was with her roommate and seemed embarrassed, but the next time she saw me in that bar, she literally drug me out by the hand.

  While I was writing this book (and working on the Calavera chapter), I was at a neighborhood bar and working. At the time I was transferring my handwritten notes from a notepad on to a computer and the notes and pen were clearly visible.

  I noticed a
n attractive Korean girl walk in to the bar alone. She ordered a drink and when she came past my table I said “Hey” and she stopped.

  I asked what she was doing and she shrugged, lifted her drink, and said “This.”

  I told her to join and she slid in to the chair across from me.

  She had a funny little sticker on her forehead that was shaped like a hollow teardrop with a bead inside, there were tattoos on one of her hands and arm, there was a wristband from a club still on, and her almond eyes were shining as she sat down.

  My cock immediately swelled when she looked in my eyes and smiled.

  She asked what I was writing and I told her it was a book about One Night Stands.

  The smile grew even bigger when she heard and she said “What?”

  I explained to her how much fun and excitement having sex on the first night can bring. For a man its like making a big kill while out hunting, or fighting in a fierce battle and winning. We don’t have these sorts of adventures much in our society anymore so sex is the next best thing.

  And I crave adventure. Without making things happen and exploring this world, I feel stagnate and low on energy. Exploring new women is like finding a new land or making a discovery, it brings excitement and makes me feel very alive. And if I can write about it in a way that captures that spirit and inspires others to live life to a greater extent, I feel an obligation to share.

  Before I spoke I thought about what her reaction was going to be, and chose not give a damn and go with complete honesty. And as I told her my position I could see her thighs shifting sexily together in her chair. So I kept going.