Art of the One Night Stand Page 4
Authentic North Carolina Mexican Dishes (fajitas).
We have fried children sandwiches.
Our melting cheese works so well.
After exploding in laughter at the menu and ordering a round of beer, I explained to the girls that two of my friends were flying in that night and after we finished our drinks, we went to meet them at a bar that was right across the street from their hotel. We sat down at a table and started laughing at the locals–they were singing karaoke to American pop songs from the 80’s.
My friends arrived—one of them is a married guy who lasted about five minutes before leaving us with the sluts.
The other guy is a tall, good looking Jamaican dude. I had never gone out gaming with him—we had just recently become acquainted—but I assumed he knew how to work his good looks.
When the dark girl got up to use the bathroom, I jumped up and grabbed her seat next to the tall cutie. I said “Hey” and looked into her eyes like a cheesy Don Juan. She laughed. I put my arm around her and said “Tonight, we are gonna be best fucking friends” and she giggled some more.
Dark haired girl came back and sat next to my Jamaican buddy. I heard her say “You have really nice eyes” and he didn’t do anything but smile coyly and look at the ground. I wanted to kick him under the table.
After a while of just bullshitting and singing a terrible Journey song together, I told cutie that there was something outside she had to see. She said alright but her friend looked at her nastily and she backed down. Then she asked me “What…what is it?” I said “Um, it’s a dog, a really weird looking dog…come take a look.”
She agreed and I took her outside. Immediately I grabbed her by the hips and slammed her against a wall. She let out a moan and we started making out like crazy. There was tons of sexual tension being released in to the thick air. I said “I bet your pussy is so wet right now” and she moaned “Mmhmm” and I put my hand up her skirt and started fingering her until juice was everywhere.
I said “Lets go to your room” and she complained “I can’t leave my friend”, I tried to protest to no avail.
We went back inside and her friend and my Jamaican bro were not even talking to each other. She had her arms and legs crossed away from him and he was hunched over looking at the floor. I couldn’t believe such a tall, good looking guy was missing this easy layup.
I said we should go back to the hotel and the pouty girl got up without saying anything and stormed off.
We went to the hotel and my Jamaican friend went back to the hostel. I was going up the stairs with the two girls and asked the angry one what was up. She said nothing and I blurted out “Don’t worry girls, I got enough love for everyone!” And cutie started laughing and pouty gave me a glance that signaled for me to try harder.
Then she ran as fast as she could in to the room. Cutie told me to wait outside while they talked. They spoke loudly and through the door I heard pouty saying things like “How come every time, every guy wants YOU?” And “This is fucking ridiculous, you don’t even know that guy and your gonna fuck him.” I was transfixed.
I waited for a minute and then tapped on the door. Cutie came over and said, “I’m sorry, my friend is really upset.”
“No shit, are you going to let her ruin your night? I’m going to the bar, meet me there.” And I walked across the street and ordered a beer.
While in there I sent the text ill be here for 15 mins, hurry
10 minutes later cutie showed up apologizing.
The thing that sucked the most was that all that sexual tension that we had built up had been dissipated by the cock-blocking. We would have to work it all up again.
We decided to go back to my hostel, but when we got there the door was locked from the inside. I banged on the door for a minute until the owner came down, he rudely said “No, no, no guests here” I said “I’ll pay!” and he shook his head and left the door locked.
Fuck me, this was the second time in Peru I was denied sex from the owner of my room. I grabbed the girls hand, said “Lets go!” And we jumped into the back of a mototaxi. I just said “Tambien! Tambien!” And the guy drove us around. I said to the girl “Now this is an adventure” and started to rub her pussy again. She got really worked up and was rubbing my cock in return. I told the mototaxi to take us back to her hotel and he dropped us off.
I had to rent another room that night—but Iquitos is one of the cheapest places I have ever visited—the room was only $25 a night—and I banged that girl like the dirty jungle monkey slut that she was.
It was a miracle that the most attractive girl on the plane had her seat right next to mine. I have been on countless flights and always have never been seated next to such an attractive specimen. This was every traveling mans dream come true. I took full advantage of it as well. It never hurts to just start talking to a girl in any situation, you never know what might come of it.
Right away I broke the ice by making a joke and welcoming her to the seat. Thats the best way to do it and I slack off on this point often, its something I need to consciously do. The sooner you start making her feel comfortable, the easier it is to flirt and have the girl feel at ease in your company. Practice light banter, you don’t even have to be clever, I say the dumbest shit in the world sometimes and girls will laugh if they like me.
The chips were a great little prop and I took advantage of them. Even though I hate junk food, and knew that they would be disgusting, I predicted the fun that could be had by making her feel bad about eating them. That running joke of the gross chips made us feel like old friends. Use things like that to your advantage, the more playful you come across, the more comfortable she will feel.
Throughout the flight, we did not talk much. I noticed she had a book (about living in the moment) and she was more thoughtful than the average girl. Showing her that I was more in to my book than keeping up the conversation was impressive to her…she told me this later that night while we were lying in bed. I made sure to drop some interesting things for her to think about, and she had me in her mind for a while.
Teasing girls always, always, always works if you do it in a playful manner. Right after I made her laugh more by calling her a ‘sweaty dirty jungle monkey’ she gave me a grin that oozed sex. I knew all I had to do after that was play my cards right and we would be hooking up later. Practice teasing, especially if you didn’t grow up with sisters.
I waited to text, explored the city a little bit on my own before hand and did my own thing. Being non-needy built up the anticipation for her, so when I did get in contact, she invited me over immediately.
This was a good example of how bad it is to go out with guys who have no game. I would have done so much better, and possible hooked up a threesome if it wasn’t for my Jamaican acquaintance who didn’t know how to handle himself when a girl was practically throwing herself at him. His bad game made the dark girl furious and her cockblocking extremes almost worked. I KNOW from the look on her face that she would have been down for a threesome, but her bad mood from the Jamaican guy and his awkwardness ruined everything. Women will resent guys who do not know how to handle themselves, and they will take it out by attempting to block the cock.
It was good that I extracted her when I did and let her know that sex was clearly on my mind. She was incredibly turned on, but had to go back and rescue her friend from the guy with no game. Sometimes, especially when you are traveling and time is limited, you have to pull the trigger as fast as possible. This was one of those times.
I did follow the girls up to there room and listen. If I had stayed, that would have seemed lame. When I told her she had a fixed amount of time before I left and she shouldn’t miss such a good opportunity, it worked. By sending her a text giving her a time limit,
I had her make a decision fast.
The second attempt at a cockblock was from not being let in to the hostel. I turned that around by not getting upset, but by riding around in a mototaxi and calling it an adventure. Don’t let outside problems get you down. Turn negative situations in to positive by solving the problem and calling it an adventure. Girls, especially girls you meet when traveling absolutely abhor a discouraged man.
Its events like this that make traveling such a fulfilling activity. Right when it started on the plane, it was pretty apparent from the beginning that something was going to go down. But the great thing about game and life in general is that you never know if something is going to be a sure thing.
Girls who are traveling are more times than not looking for some hook-ups. I have used this to my full advantage for many years, and living in a tourist destination like NYC has made it easier than ever. More than 70% of the 300+ women I have slept with have been either traveling or hooked up with me while I was passing through their part of the world.
Life is about experiences–women and travel will always bring something new to the table and surprise you in ways that you never thought possible. They both do their part to expand your mind and stretch your boundaries, and when the two combine…great things happen.
A Fight Breaks Out at a Sex Show
The end of a long night out is sometimes plagued with low energy and disappointment. Its especially hard when the weather is brutally cold, the streets are empty, and the hard winter has people on edge. This frosty night was no exception and my choice to pop in to one last place was only because a friend of mine was there and told me that there was going to be a last minute live sex show. That sounded interesting and I made my way over.
It was at a new place just a few blocks from my apartment in Brooklyn that regularly held burlesque dancing, variety shows, comedy, and live speaking panels. I had been to some entertaining sex shows in Manhattan before and wanted to see if this one would deliver.
Some of these shows can be fun, some actually sexy, some disturbing, but there is one thing for sure–they are always interesting.
On one famous stage in Manhattans Lower East Side, I witnessed guys going down on girls who were dress like big pink gumdrops. During an art performance in DUMBO, there was a guy and a girl hula-hooping naked for 10 minutes on pillars. When they stopped swinging the hoops around, they got off the pillars and he stuck his hard dick in her pussy and stayed still like that for another 10 minutes. At a loft party in Brooklyn I saw a threesome with two girls in ballerina costumes and cabaret masks have sex with a guy in a wolf mask. They were cradling a little plastic baby and pretending to nurse it while they fucked. And at one dingy underground ‘show’ I watched as a guy stuck a dozen large needles right through his cock.
I was hoping to see more of the sexy than the weird tonight but was ready for anything. The cold wind that was blowing had me angry and cursing down the sidewalk.
I arrived around 3a.m., just as the last part of the show was starting. Two girls were dancing on the stage in black masks and studded leather bikinis. They were slinking around each other to some sexy music, playing, prodding, sniffing, and crawling over the others body.
They picked up two buckets that were on the back of the stage and came down in to the crowd. When they walked by me, I could sense the sexual energy that was coming out of them. They strutted by with powerful gazes and did not make eye contact with anyone. Their bodies oozed pheromones that made the guys shudder as they passed. These girls were good and they knew it.
I was captivated as they climbed up on to the bar and the lights went down. Two spotlights appeared on them. A fog machine created a smoky atmosphere as the girls stood atop the bar with their legs spread apart and stared down silently at the crowd.
They reached into the buckets and pulled out some chains with clamps on the end of them. One of the girls removed the others top and attached the clamps to her nipples.
The clamped girl then removed the others top and clamped the other end of the chains to her nipples so they were connected. They moved apart from one another so the chains were pulled taught and their nipples were stretched tight.
The crowd cheered and I noticed that the girls were smirking slightly.
They then removed their bottoms and proceeded to clamp one another’s vagina lips with chains and stretch those tight. This left me with an uneasy feeling but I couldn’t look away. Once their nipples and vaginas had been properly stretched, the girls became very gentle with one another and kissed while putting pressure on the chains.
The rest of the show went on like this and when the lights came up, the crowd was pretty quiet.
I was chatting with my friend, catching up a bit and scoping the crowd at the same time. There was a palpable pent-up sexual tension in everyone. People seemed to be anxious and confused from watching a mixture of pain and sex on display in front of them.
I was talking with my friend about it and he was visibly shook up. He had never been to a show like that and he was used to going to strip clubs. His world was turned upside down and I was laughing at him as he bought a round of shots to dull the shock. A lot of people took shots after witnessing the show and the atmosphere started to loosen up again.
The bathroom line kept getting longer and longer and I heard two guys get loud with each other on the line. Their shouts were easily heard over the quiet crowd and I looked over to see what was happening.
They were two big Puerto Rican dudes. Thick men who stood out among the crowd of mostly artists, hipsters, and scene kids. They got in each others face and continued yelling. One of them pushed the other and the guy came back charging.
When they collided, the force pushed them through the crowd and girls started screaming. They tumbled over towards my side of the bar, knocked over a table, and I immediately ran over to break them up.
I’ve always done this, felt the need to break up fights when at parties or bars, its an instinct. Family and friends all hate it when I do it but there is no stopping me. I’ll let guys fight if its fair and in the street, but not in an environment like this when there are girls around and people are trying to enjoy themselves.
I ran over, along with the bouncer, and when I pushed through the crowd, the two guys were wrestling on the ground.
I grabbed one by the arms and pulled him up as hard as I could. The bouncer grabbed the other, picked him up and brought him to the door. I kept yelling at the dude while holding him back saying “Calm down man, its not worth it! He’s not worth it!”
That’s usually been my go-to fight break-up line–and it does a pretty good job of calming the fighters down.
The bouncer threw his guy out of the place and my guy calmed down and went to the back of the bar and paced around in circles.
All seemed good and well for a few minutes, the owners of the place were talking with the bouncer as to what to do. I was keeping an eye on my guy who sat down on one of the couches and fumed.
My friend came over to ask if I was alright, I was fine, just full of adrenaline. And I looked over at a group of four girls who asked me what happened.
I told them that there was a fight and we broke it up. While I was about to run game on the group, the huge sound of banging filled the bar. Everyone looked over at the door, which had a long glass panel running up the middle of it, and saw the guy who had been thrown out. He was yelling and screaming and banging on the glass, irritated that his opponent was allowed to stay in while he was out on the freezing street.
One of the owners went by the door to yell at him and tell him to stop banging on the glass. This got the guy even more irate and he punched the glass so hard that it shattered. The shards of glass went everywhere, including in the owners face and he got cut was and leaking blood from his cheeks.
I grabbed a bunch of towels from the bar and brought them over to him. He put them on his face and the bouncer called the cops. The guy wh
o had broken the glass ran away and I went back to the group of girls and told them what happened.
One of the girls was a tall Asian-American who had a very nice body and was wearing a glittery dress. I have noticed that Asian-American girls absolutely love to be the center of attention when in a group and get very catty when they are not. So I focused most of my attention on her, but still engaged her friends.
I told them about how fighting really does stir up energy in people, just being close to the two fighters was enough to get me extremely alert and ready for action. There was adrenaline flowing through my veins, I felt like an animal and was even getting a little horny.
The girls all laughed at this and suggested that we dance it out. I took the Asian by the hand, led her to the dance floor and twirled her around to the DJs dance music. We swung around eachother without breaking eye contact and created a bubble around us that nothing could get through. I felt this bubble, visualized it, and told the girl about it. She told me she could feel it too and then I said that we should go to the bar for a minute.
At the bar we did a couple of shots and I told her how sexy she was and felt her hips, they were in fine shape.
She asked where I lived and I told her just down the block. After she smiled a little I said, ‘lets get out of here’ and she told me to wait a second while she said goodbye to her friends.
I shook hands with the bloody owner and bouncer before I left and led the girl to my apartment.
The energy was still buzzing hard in me as we went inside, got in to my bedroom and ripped each others clothes off.
I fucked her with so much violence that I’m surprised her body took it so well, and at a particularly intense moment when she was on her stomach and I was drilling her hard from behind, she screamed out “Oh my god! This is just what I needed, just what I needed, oh god!” She repeated that over and over until I pulled out and came all over her silky smooth ass.