Art of the One Night Stand Read online
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I made some jokes about being a horny gringo before leaving and gave the hot girl a kiss on both cheeks while her freinds said “Ooooo.” I felt great slipping back in to my player shoes again and as I turned to go back upstairs, two Italian guys came running up to me and gave me high fives.
They couldn’t believe it, they were part of the original group of dudes who did nothing but stare at the girls before I went over. I told them that “This is what I do” and they were in awe. I told them to come with me upstairs and meet some girls and they readily followed.
As the guys bought me a drink I made a circle around the bar and found the two cute girls that had let me sip their drinks earlier. I went up to them and asked if they had learned English yet. That got them laughing again and as we spoke the two Italians came over and gave me a glass of rum.
We spoke for a while about New York City, the Italians were good at translating and that made the interaction even more fun because they were sexualizing everything. While we had our conversation, I felt a pull on my shirt. I turned around and it was the small girl in the white dress who’s boyfriend had stood her up.
She looked like a puppy and I excused myself from the group and took her to the side. I asked if she was ready to be my girlfriend for the night and her head nodded yes.
I said goodbye to the other girls and the Italians–I’ll never know if they hooked up with those two, but I truly hope they did and tell the story of the American who traveled around the world meeting women.
The Peruvian girl looked nervous so I bought her a drink and took her to one of the secluded rooms in the back. We walked hand in hand and she was squeezing me hard as we made our way.
I sat down on a bench in a room that looked like a library and put her next to me. I exclaimed that she had beautiful legs and put those legs in my lap as I rubbed them up and down.
She was smiling but her eyes were afraid to meet mine and her head was turned away. She was incredibly shy looking and it was making her even more attractive. I took her face in my hands and said “Its okay, don’t be nervous, I think you are beautiful” and we kissed.
The kiss was violently passionate and she let her body sink in to mine right there in the library.
I told her I needed to have her, took her by the hand and led her outside to the street.
I hailed a cab as it went by and told him to take me to the hotel.
We got to the hotel and I buzzed the front door to be let in. A guy came to the door and he was shaking his head and pointing at the girl, “No, no, la familia! La Familia!”
I cursed at him and tried to get the door open but he just yelled louder. I told him to go fuck himself and then took the girl back to the main street and hailed another cab.
“Just tell him to get a hotel barato (cheap hotel).”
We drove down some alleys to a building that was falling apart and had holes in the walls.
I got out and rung the bell a few times until I heard movement inside. A large woman who looked like an evil character out of a Disney film came to the door. Her face had warts all over it, some teeth were missing, she was wearing what looked like a big dirty bonnet, and her house dress must have been 20 years old.
My girl explained to her that we needed a room and they chattered in rapid-fire Spanish for a minute. The woman came back with a credit card machine and I reluctantly let her dip the card through.
She took us through the building, it was dark, the doors to the rooms were like thin balsa wood, and all of the floors, walls, and ceilings were made of thick concrete. It smelled like mushrooms and didn’t look like anyone had stayed there for years.
We came to a door, the woman opened it and put on a weak light. There was one twin bed in the middle of the room, and a small bathroom in the corner. I said thank you to the woman, took the key, and shut the door.
The Peruvian went to the bathroom for a minute and when she came out I picked her up, put her on the bed, and took off her dress. The smooth, native skin was so soft that my hands slid over her entire body with ease. It was in stark contrast to the gritty sheets that seemed like they were made from burlap sacks.
When I touched her pussy it was soaking wet and when I got on top, she asked for a condom. I put one on and slid in.
The girl had an orgasm instantly after I said “You like that American cock” and the already dirty sheets became soaked in her juices.
Sex when the girl is turned on more than she has ever been is always extremely exciting and I let myself go fucking this girl as hard as I could.
After the first round, we were lying there, my chest heaving with her against it, and she started crying. I knew exactly why and told her not to feel guilty about this.
It was just good sex. I’m not looking to ruin your relationship, I’m just a traveling gringo coming through the city for a couple of days, having fun, and then returning back home. Thats all I want out of life and we can have great sex while I’m here without worrying about anything in the future.
As I said this she stopped crying, got turned on again, and made her way down to my cock.
She blew me and then got up running to the bathroom choking and sputtering on my cum. She came back and explained that she hated the taste of sperm and was sorry she reacted like that.
I told her that no, sperm was good for her, it held a lot of vitamins, minerals, and testosterone she couldn’t get anywhere else. And also my sperm was special, strong sperm with many nutrients.
She looked at me wide eyed and I truly believe she took those words as truth because after I fucked her again, I pulled out towards the end, face fucked her hard for a few minutes, and when that load came out, she licked up every last drop.
We slept well in that shitty little bed, and in the morning walked all the way back to the hotel. On the way, she asked for my phone number, facebook, and email. I gave it to her and noticed that the look on her face was one of deep yearning.
We kissed goodbye and I watched the little white dress walk down the street and I wondered for a minute what the consequences of our actions would be in her future, then turned around to return to my own life.
At the hotel, my friend was there arguing with the guy who wouldn’t let me in the previous night. He was trying to find out where I was and the guy wouldn’t tell him anything. As soon as my friend saw me he screamed “You motherfucker!’ and we hugged hello and started laughing with each other about the entire situation.
“Goldmund, I had a feeling you would either end up in jail or with some girl, I’m just glad to see you alive man!”
We tore up Lima for the next three days, indulging in the pure local cocaine, getting in barfights, surfing in Punta Hermosa, and then flying out to Iquitos to take part in one of the most sacred ceremonies still practiced on the planet today.
On the way there, the next story took place…
I was on a quest to do ayahuasca in the Amazon. The spirit of adventure was inside me, the energy that took me to Peru was coming out of me, and I used it to meet women. When you travel, especially somewhere exotic, you always have something to talk about, something to ask people, and a reason to say hello. Traveling alone is one of the best ways to really step up your game.
Its important to pick a good spot to run game for the night. I’ve been to 1000s of bars and can sense which ones will be conducive to my style. They tend to be ones with backyards, and with good music that is not to loud. Figure out which places you feel the most comfortable, learn how to sense the atmosphere of a venue, and pick the spots that work best for you.
I was walking around with my eyes open and really taking everything in. When I saw the girl looking around, worried, checking her phone, I knew something was off and guessed correctly. When you show that you are observant and have skill reading people, girls feel like they trust you more. And you don’t even have to be right with your assessments, just talk about their behaviors.
I left the girl standing there and told
her to come find me. This gave me a chance to check out the rest of the place, meet other girls, and be more social. When I tell girls to come find me, and they actively do, I know that all signs are pointing to proceed.
Meeting other girls is fun and a good way to keep your mood up. Approaching a group of five coveted ones and getting some numbers and kisses was a great way to maintain the nights momentum. And it attracted the attention of two cool guys who could serve as my wingmen and provide me with booze. Its rare that I meet other real players when I’m out, but when we work together, good things usually happen.
When the girl found me again, I knew it was time to act fast. This is no time to get to know one another, talk too much, or get cocky. You have her right where you want her and its just a matter of logistics before you are fucking. Its the power of saying “Come find me.”
The way she kissed me at first, combined with her puppy dog eyes was a key indication that she wanted revenge on the guy who stood her up. As we laid in bed after the deed was done, she did feel some regret for it, but before, in her emotionally driven state, there was no stopping her from sleeping with me. I don’t like stealing other guys girls, but in this situation, I didn’t care. He was no where to be seen, probably fucking some other chick, and I found myself in the right place at the right time. By owning the fact that you are looking for sex with no relationship in mind, girls will see you that way and act accordingly.
This was a great way to start my liberating trip to Peru. There is a special kind of energy that courses through your body when you first land in a new environment and you should try to make it work to your advantage.
I try and time my flights to land in new cities around 9pm. That keeps the energy right at peak levels as I prep to go out for the night.
The most common times I hook up with girls are on the first and last nights I am in a place that I’m visiting. There is something special about being an outsider who is passing through and looking for exciting experiences. This is something that I have made part of my persona and have found it to be very successful.
Started in the Airplane, Ended in the Jungle
After a few crazy days spent in Lima, it was time to start the trek to Iquitos. From there the Amazon river would take me in to the middle of the jungle and I would take part in a life changing ayahuasca ceremony.
Preparing your mind for the ceremony is an important part of the process and it is best to meditate beforehand on what you want to get out of the experience.
I was wondering where my life was headed, what new direction I was going to take, and wanted to channel my ambitions in to new territories. I also knew that my long term relationship would have to end and wanted to figure out the real reasons why. I had a desire to understand my view of women, my promiscuous nature, and to accept the fact that during the next chapter in my life I was going to perform the role of a player.
All of these quandaries were solved and acted upon with very real and clear answers that came to me from the ceremony.
Ayahuasca is real and the most powerful way to open up your psyche. It takes a lifetime to prepare for, but when it is done right, real power comes from it. I cannot recommend it enough for the thinking man.
If you are interested, do your research, really meditate on what you find, and if you are ready, it will call you and you will seek it out.
* * *
I was alone and had to take a separate plane from my friends who were going to join me in Iquitos so my eyes were extra open and I was up for anything.
It was a small plane with about 40 people, I boarded and there were only three white people on it—me and two girls in their early 20’s—I saw them board the plane and immediately started hatching a plan to talk to them.
One was tall and had a baby face, her hair was up in a bun and it highlighted her cute looks. I instantly felt that jerk of energy that only an attractive chick can produce. The other was a dark, slim girl with sharp features—she had a pout on her face.
On their way up the aisle I saw the tall one looking at me and then look at the seat next to me. Could it be? Was it going to be this easy? She smiled and said “That’s my seat” (YES!…it was going to be this easy).
I stood up and said “Welcome, welcome—the best seat in the house” and she giggled a bit.
As soon as she sat she started fanning herself with a magazine. “Its so hot, oh my god” she said, I agreed and we chatted about the extreme humidity of the rainforest—and she took out a water bottle and chips.
I looked at the chips, they were some weird cheap Peruvian brand I had never seen before and said “How are those?” She said “Try some” and offered me the bag.
I took one of the chips out of the bag—it was bright red and shaped like a really skinny cheese doodle. I don’t normally eat things like that but I predicted some funny results. I took a bite of the chip, a nasty thing, and said “Ugh, how can you eat those?” and she started laughing.
We chatted a bit about the food in Lima—the incredible ceviche—and every once in a while I paused and said “Goddamn that thing you gave me left a bad taste in my mouth” and she laughed each time.
We were quiet for a couple of minutes—sorting out our things, taking out books to read and getting comfortable—and then I looked over at her real serious and said “You know what, I’m actually pretty mad at you right now for giving me that fucking chip, I think I hate you” and she started laughing really hard.
She said “Stop it, your making me laugh and its making me hot and I’m getting all sweaty and gross.”
“I know, I can see that, your like a sweaty dirty jungle monkey” and she laughed even more.
I told her I would stop and be nice but she was going to have to make up for giving me that chip. She replied “Alright I’ll think of something” and had a naughty little smile on her face. My cock started to tingle.
During the flight we didn’t talk too much, just a few short conversations—she was from Canada and had never been to New York–and she really liked to read.
She was reading The Power of Now by Eckard Tolle and I was reading The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.
I commented on her book because I had read it years before and asked if she was benefiting from the advice. She said she was trying to and then asked what I was reading. I told her it was a book that described the differences in how men and women think and relate to one another. Its easy to get twisted and blinded as to how the masculine/feminine dynamic works best–the book was a reminder of how the different energies can work to balance each other out.
She seemed quite interested but I chose to keep her wondering and went back to reading for the remainder of the flight.
When we started to descend, I asked what she was up to later. She said that her and her friend were scared to go out into the city at night because they heard it was not safe. I made fun of them for thinking that and then said “Well I can be your bodyguard, lets go out together.” She got very excited, took out her phone and we exchanged numbers. I noticed that her friend, who was sitting in the seat behind us, was in a sour mood. She looked miserable, her shoulders were slumped, her arms crossed, and the pout on her face had drooped to epic proportions.
The plane landed and the girls started arguing with each other. The dark one was saying how she didn’t feel good and had a headache and the tall one was telling her to stop complaining.
I said goodbye, bounced out of the airplane, hopped into a mototaxi and rode off to my hostel.
Watching the city go by in the back of a mototaxi was incredible. Because Iquitos is way out in the middle of the jungle with no roads connecting it to the mainland, gas is extremely hard to come by. So everyone is on motorcycles. The place is buzzing with them, the sound of their whining engines fills the air, and there is movement everywhere.
The colors of the jungle are all around you, the architecture blends in with the environment and the people are just a
s wild. Although the place would seem intimidating to anyone unprepared for chaos, I never felt threatened, didn’t notice any crime or violence, and was greeted warmly by the locals.
I checked in to my $7 a night hostel, set my things down, and did some scouting.
While exploring on my own, I made note of where some cool bars were, where there was some interesting people-watching to be done, and got myself oriented with the city. I was prepared to show the girls a good time.
I sent a text to the cute girl around 8pm and found out that they were staying in a motel that was only five blocks away. I walked over there around 930 and picked them up. They both were all dolled up in short skirts, headbands, and sexy little tops.
We rolled out into the steamy jungle night, walked through a park where we watched little kids blow huge bubbles, police officers training to fight, teenagers taking drugs and lots of people dancing.
They were both in awe of the scenes we came across. I took them down to the riverbank and we watched the steam come up off the Amazon and in to the warm night air. As we walked past one of the small houses on a side street, an old Peruvian woman called us over. She told us to come have beer in her place and we did. She sold us three cold beers and we drank them at her kitchen table. I laughed and said “Now thats something you don’t see in New York.”
I asked the old Peruvian woman if she cooked food and she said “Si, si, arrozo con pollo” and I asked the girls if they wanted some chicken. The dark girl suddenly got paranoid and refused to eat anything from this womans home. I made fun of her for being a scaredy cat and we left after our drinks were done.